Nashville 2600: An Introduction
To act as a support group to the Middle Tennessee community of intellectually curious persons without regard to race, gender, age, economic status or sexual preference.
The Nashville 2600 group has been around since the 1990s, and became a formal Tennessee nonprofit organization in 2004, with a goal of educating the public on various aspects of cyberculture and technical literacy. Support for the nonprofit has come from both personal networking at monthly meetings, and a formal educational conference held each year, usually in October or November, known as PhreakNIC. Before the formation of the nonprofit, PhreakNIC, founded in 1997, was run by volunteer members of the se2600 community. Today it is the primary project of the Nashville 2600 organization.
Regular meetings are held the first Friday evening of each month, with exceptions of holidays (when an alternate meeting date is chosen). See the calendar at right for details. Discussions may be related to the PhreakNIC convention, other activities of the nonprofit, or related Nashville groups and events such as NLUG and HYPERICON. After each meeting, we generally continue the socializing by going out to dinner or some other event. In the past we have even had "Geek Field Trips" and visited notable places around the area such as the Cumberland Caverns and the Jack Daniels Distillery.

Meetings are open to all who wish to participate in a civil and constructive manner. The official part of the meetings is presided over by the current officers of the Nashville 2600 organization.
If you would like to officially join the group and become a voting member, please check our get involved page.
As of June 2017 and going forward, we are meeting at:
Nashville Software School
301 Plus Park Blvd Ste. 300, Nashville, TN 37217
For many years we had been meeting at J & J's on Broadway in downtown Nashville. We have since tried different venues with more parking. Additional meetings have been hosted at other locations, please check the calendar or Mailing List for more information.